
The Basics


The blog covers energy healing, astrology, meditation, chakras and psychic abilities. I’ve summarized the basics on this page. Read my books to dive deeper (HERE) 💕

What is Energy Healing? 

Energy Healing is a complementary therapy - one that can be fun and creative as much as it is soothing. On a conceptual level, we think of our whole selves as mind, body, emotions and spirit. The healing process relies on an intuitive connection with the body, and with the Aura and Chakras. We send love and compassion through the energy field; this aligns all four levels.   

The technique itself is simple, relying on Intention and visualization to activate the flow of energy. Below you will find an introduction to the Energy Body.

The Human Aura

The Aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. You may be able to feel it as heat emanating from the physical body and there are now special cameras that are able to photograph it. Beyond this, we also know that there are layers to the Aura and each of these stores particular experiences and information. We work with the Aura when we want to heal from difficult experiences, focusing on the mental and emotional bodies. We can also activate the Aura to awaken our psychic abilities 🤩❤️

The Aura’s four main layers are covered in my books. Chakra Healing & Magick explores visualization, crystals and creative healing tools to make the process fun.


The Chakras

I am going to keep this short as I've written an entire book on the chakras (read it here). Chakras are energy centres in our auric field that run through our body front to back, extending about 3 feet in either direction when fully activated. In resting mode, the Chakras sit closer to the physical body. The fluidity of our Chakras is influenced by our thoughts, actions, and experiences. Our Chakras also filter the energy that we send out into the world, and the energy that we take in. Each of our Chakras is linked to a life function and a specific set of organs. 

  • The Crown Chakra is our connection to Spirit, God, and intuitive guidance. It extends upwards out of the top of your head. When it opens you may feel a prickly sensation on your scalp.
  • The Brow Chakra is linked to the mind, also our sight, thoughts, and analytical capabilities. It is level with your forehead and sits perpendicular to your spine. Clairvoyance and imagination relate to this Chakra.
  • The Throat Chakra should be easy to locate! It has to do with communication and governs both our listening and speaking skills. A well developed and protected Throat Chakra will also help you hear your angels and guides. 

  • The Heart Chakra is our centre of love, both romantic and platonic or familial. A healthy Heart Chakra will enable you to feel loved, supported and cared for in this world. It is also the gateway for abundance, receiving and sharing it. 
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: I love this Chakra! It is linked to the ego, but it is also linked our personality. The Solar Plexus holds our personal identity, and that is a wonderful aspect that needs to be celebrated and encouraged. It is our center of power and outwards focus. Too much Solar Plexus can also be a problem though so don't let it go wild.  =)
  • The Sacral Chakra is linked to our creative drive and passion in the world, as well as our sense of abundance. It is connected to the emotional Aura layer and is the Chakra through which we have energetic and/or emotional exchanges with other people. This is the center of passion and everything that we have an appetite for. People who feel others emotions easily may gain weight here as a form of protection. Where is it? The tummy!
  • The Root Chakra is linked to community, safety, grounding, and feeling of economic and material stability. It is located at the base of the spine and runs down through your legs if you are in standing position.

On a subconscious level we each tend to keep our energy in a particular part of the body. People who overthink things spend a lot of time in the brow chakra. If a person is very chatty they might be more oriented to the ThroatGrounding from the Heart gives us access to all of our energy centers. 

Awaken Your Inner Healer

Ready to get started? I’ve published two books on the topic; A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love looks at energy healing from a health and wellness point of view. This book builds on my BA in Philosophy and the tools learned during my two-year healing accreditation. For a creative approach, read my second book: Chakra Healing & Magick.

Both are available with online shipping:

Los Chakras en Español 🇲🇽

Reiki hugs,  


Ps… Join me on YouTube or Instagram for meditations to complement the book!

Español: @AngelMedium33



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Image of Woman Meditating:


  1. Wow girl, you have been busy ;) Great piece full of information, I think it will be very usufull for people here, hope they find it. xxx

    1. Thanks! I hope they find it too ♫ ♫ ♫

  2. Thank you very much for writing this and for the generosity in sharing. Reading it (and following it) I feel lighter, brighter and a kind of childlike (-not childish) joy.

  3. Such a concise page with a wealth of helpful information! Thank you. I am so glad I have found your page (through Memeories of the soul).

    1. Welcome Sharon, Glad to have connected as well!

      I think I recognise you from FB too =)

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