Friday, August 30, 2024

Through the Looking Glass - 15 Years of Magick and Mystery

15 years ago I discovered my first intuition book. I started reading it the exact month of my Saturn Return, at 25 Virgo πŸ˜… For any astrology buffs, that return is when your soul makes sure you find your path. Saturn has now made it’s way to Pisces, the halfway point around the Zodiac, bringing all of this into focus. My astrology chart indicates a life of exploring, learning and teaching.

So I thought it would be fun to make a list of all the classes I’ve taken the past 15 years, ever since this adventure started. Here is a recap with links to some of my blog posts. 

Instead of going in order, thought I'd start with the six areas of study that have been the cornerstone of my healing practice: 

  • BA in Philosophy from Tufts, 2002. Obviously my love of learning and writing is largely influenced by my time at Tufts. This undergrad degree gives me lots of structure too.  
  • Psychic Development at The College of Psychic Studies I signed up for weekly classes in May 2010 and stayed until January 2014. Those are the spirit guides and angels classes listed below. The College does offer certificates in several topics; I did not go down that path, instead taking all of the classes that interested me 🫢🏻
  • Energy Healing Course at the School of Intuition & Healing, UK. Looking back, I still can't believe I completed this training. We had 18 full-day workshops over a two year period, with several assignments and 85 client sessions to graduate. Here is a write up from a client session. Sept 2010 - May 2012.
  • Usui Tibetan Reiki: When I finished energy healing school, I wanted to volunteer at a cancer center but the hospital only allowed Reiki. So I signed up for a workshop and it blew my mind! Reiki is easy to channel; it can be used for hands on healing and also to activate our intuition and ask for guidance. Six days of class in 2012 and 2013, becoming a Reiki Master in May of 2013. We learned a lot more than I bargained for: giving and teaching Reiki, automatic and distant healing, space clearing, clearing and programming crystals for healing, reiki homeopathy etc. 
  • Practical Kabbalah with my teacher in Mexico. This helped me grow as a person, a healer and a teacher. I had already been into Kabbalah for about 7 years before meeting Dalia but her classes made a huge difference. My 1st class with Dalia was in October 2016 and I attended her weekly class for 2.5 years. 

In chronological order - here is the list of classes. Looking back, I have actually applied most of these themes, and not just taken lessons. The first list includes the classes that I took in when I lived in London, either at The College of Psychic Studies or at the School of Intuition and Healing

Most of the workshops lasted a full day - enough for beginners to open up and get messages. With the 10 week classes, we'd meet for two hours a week to flex our intuition. The most important thing is that we are consistent, and that we have fun. 

  • Creative writing workshops at Gotham's Writers (2007-09)
  • Kabbalah 1 & 2 at the Kabbalah Centre UK (Summer & Fall 09)
  • Cord Cutting Workshop with Sue Allen at CPS. December 2009
  • My 1st Psychic Abilities Workshop, two days in January 2010 πŸ’œπŸ’œ
  • Could I be a Healer with Natasha Wojnow at CPS (Feb 2010)
  • Angels & Ascended Masters Workshop at CPS. May 2010
  • Weekly Spirit Guides class with Michelle Hawcroft (May-Nov 2010)
  • This blog was born: Diary of a Psychic Healer, September 2010
  • More Spirit Guides & Psychic Development Winter 2011
  • Weekly Angel Intuition with Amanda Roberts at CPS from May 2011 - March 2013. I skipped a one term of classes in 2012 when the healing course was too much.
  • Self Love and Manifesting Workshop with Cate MacKenzie - I still have a gold heart memento from class 🀍
  • Medical Intuition Workshop at School of Intuition & Healing. 2011
  • Kabbalah Level 3 at the Kabbalah Centre UK - Fall  2012 
  • Listening & Responding (Counseling Skills ) at a cancer center May 2013. 
  • Cancer Treatments & Complementary Therapies at a cancer hospital, 2013.
    • Remote Viewing class with Debbie Kay Edwards. Two terms 2013.
    • Channeling: 8 Weeks at the School of Intuition Healing - Sept 2013. 
    • Zohar Class at the Kabbalah Centre in London, most of 2013. This was my favorite from the K Center - it looks at the weekly astrology vibes and a mystical interpretation of the Torah 🫢🏻

    In January, 2014 I left London and moved to Mexico City where I've lived ever since. In the summer of 2015, I went back to London for a term to complete the last level of angels, and I dove into astrology: 

    Mexico had a lot to offer too. This was when I began teaching regularly. I was lucky to come across a wonderful holistic centre where I taught angels, intuition, tarot, astrology, and reiki for four years ✨✨✨

    • A Lucid Dreaming and Astral Travel Workshop in 2014 where I failed spectacularly. Two days of trying to fall asleep and not fall asleep πŸ•―️
    • Weekend workshop on channeling and psychic abilities with the friends who set up the spiritual circle mentioned below. This was in 2014.
      • Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop in Mexico City - four days of meditation and manifesting in March of 2015. I am not into some of the New Age concepts in this class, but the manifesting meditation is great and I took it again in 2019.

      • Tarot & Angel Card Reader Class with Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine in 2015. It was a Christmas gift πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
      • Failed attempt at A Course in Miracles: November 2015 to early 2016. The very christian language on this gets to me and I also struggle with the daily updates where I felt like I was being reprogrammed - I quit this quickly, but made good friends. 
      • Dec 2015: Intro workshop on clear quartz crystals at Anahd Centro HolΓ­stico. It was taught by a fellow healer, Claudia Lechuga. This was a halfday workshop - Anahd is where I taught intuition and energy healing for several years, until the pandemic
      • Predictive Astrology online class at The Dark Pixie Astrology (2016). The following year I became a Pixie, guest blogging on Nic’s site about healing with astrology. Here is a guest post on flower remedies for retrogrades

        • Spring 2016-2018: A weekly circle with a group of healers and psychics. We all took turns presenting different topics: astrology, crystals, tarot, meditation, Kabbalah. The highlight may have been 6 months on the 13 Clan Mothers and the Moon, based on Jamie Sams book of Spiritual Psychology. Amazing. 

        • Spiritual Psychology 2017: One of my college friends is a spiritual psychologist - she set up a 12 week class where we learned to work through our own baggage. It was geared towards inner work; I am not a trained psychologist or counselor. 
        • Theta Healing Basic DNA: three-day workshop on energy healing that I absolutely loved. It's very similar to my energy healing school so I didn't continue with their classes, but I read a lot of their books and they are really fantastic. August 2017. 
        • Usui Holy Fire®  and Karuna Reiki® - February 2019. I loved this class and recommend it highly. The curriculum includes Usui Reiki and theories on the soul & spirit. It empowers us to release conditioning and be our most authentic selves. 
        • Crystal Healing at Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy in 2020. The certification lasted 8 weeks and I signed up for the weekly livestreams for two years during the pandemic. It kept me sane and happy. The school has since closed; it was a good one. 
        • Three weeks on Environmental Psychology at Pacifica Graduate School. Took this out of curiosity during the pandemic. Loved it. 
        • Time Travelers Guide to the Universe + Intro to Quantum Physics with Denise Linn and her brother (a university physics professor). I had a lot of fun with this class. Lots of aha moments around energy healing, Kabbalah and quantum physics. 
        • Working with the Spirit Doctors - online class at The College of Psychic Studies with Susan Gash. This is one of four classes that I took during the pandemic and I loved it. I took the short courses that last 6 weeks.  
        • The College of Psychic Studies went online during the pandemic and I signed up for a few classes out of nostalgia. More magick πŸ’™

        I think that is everything. That and lots of books and self-study. There was one astrological wizard class that I left on standby and I might go back to finish it - took me about a year to get through the first six modules. But it’s time to focus on teaching and writing. You'll find my books on Amazon. Chakra Healing & Magick has the basics - how to channel healing! 

        #FunnyFact: The name Hermione comes from Hermes, the ancient messenger-god, who rules my natal chart because of my Gemini Rising and three big planets in Virgo. Born on a Wednesday too πŸ“

        Reiki hugs, 




        Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

        * Holy Fire ® and Karuna Reiki ® are registered trademarks of the International Center for Reiki Training. 

        Reposted HERE

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