Friday, May 3, 2024

Tapping Into Your Soul’s Infinite Potential ✨

I had a big aha moment and I want to share it with you. In the past I’ve written about how, astrologically, the North Node’s zodiac sign indicates how we can find happiness outside of our comfort zone. The opposite sign, or South Node, is where we get stuck in an unhappy and self defeating behavioral pattern. Moving from one to the other can be uncomfortable, and often requires self-healing. The tools in my book, Chakra Healing & Magick, will help you break free. 

My North Node is in Leo - it asks me to shine bright and share what I do openly and enthusiastically. But for the longest time, I was reluctant to talk about energy healing and my mystical interests. Showing off felt like a taboo when I was growing up, and the mystical healer side was unheard of in my circle. Owning and revealing that was a challenge; my blog was anonymous for a few years. I was working in a science environment, which made it harder. 

This started to change after I read my first astrology book, even though the shift was slow. The North Node gives us direction, but breaking through our deepest patterns takes time and a lot of self-healing 🌤️

In parallel, I have blogged about the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and how it depicts our connection with the spiritual world, as well as providing a map for the soul’s growth. The Tree is a map of sorts, with ten spheres of light, one in the physical world and the rest in the spiritual, mental and emotional realms of existence. 

You’ll find a diagram below. Without going into the full details here, the bottom most sphere (10) represents the physical world and universe.The upper nine represent the spiritual realm, and aspects of your soul are on all of those, ready to wake up.

The spheres above it, 1-9 represent various degrees of divinity and on a personal level, human consciousness. We become self-aware bottom up. The themes that relate to the bottom four spheres are where we most need healing: relating, mental clarity and integrity, emotions and physical reality…

The upper most spheres (1-5) are where we connect with the parts of the soul that have been least impacted by the trials of human life, and where we find our spiritual power. We need to let go of our human insecurities to get there, including limiting beliefs and attitudes that we’ve inherited from previous family generations and from past lives…

That freedom to be yourself can be found in the 6th sphere - your Sun. This is where we choose our soul’s path over conditioning, and turn our attention to our full potential. Aim for the infinite light, the uppermost sphere and beyond. The direction is what matters, not so much that we reach that place, if it even exists as a destination. 

The Adventure  of a Lifetime 

The Aha Moment. Two days ago I streamed a meditation on my spanish instagram; the focus was healing family patterns. Yesterday I was thinking about that meditation and it dawned on me that your South Node is where your soul enters the world, we find that energy in sphere 10 on the Tree of Life. Your North Node is on sphere #1, what we aim for as we grow and evolve. The ability to break free, through clarity and self-awareness, is found on the sixth sphere - that Sun ☀

There is more to Kabbalah than this, but each of the spheres on the Tree of Life has an archetype that relates to its energy and function. That Sun has two archetypes that help us unlock its light and power. One of them is your Soul; the task is to follow your soul’s path to infinite growth, leaving behind conditioning and limiting family patterns. That said, it’s not about leaving behind everything our family taught us, just the behaviors that may have worked for them in the past, but sabotage us in this life. There are a lot of good things that we can keep. 

Funny thing is I had this aha moment yesterday when the Moon was at 29 degrees Aquarius - my south node and what I need to leave behind. It’s my learning curve, amplified because I’m also a natal Aquarius. The natal chart points to our specific challenges, what we internalize.

So for example, my immediate family, my siblings and parents, are always encouraging and happy to shine. This bit of ancestral programming stuck with me because of my south node, and it’s self sabotage that I’ve been releasing for years. 

Even as I was writing my book, Chakra Healing & Magick, I was self-conscious about it. You won’t believe it, but it’s taken me this long to be comfortable with the magick part being out there for anyone to read. And the book is fantastic, have a look!

Join me on social media below. 

Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


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