I’m reading a great book by Barbara Brennan, called Core Light Healing. It looks at how your spark of divine light flows into your life as part of a daily creative process. One that can be blocked by fear, childhood trauma and especially by dualistic belief systems and behavioral patterns.
The word dualism is used a LOT in healing and spiritual circles. I have trouble understanding what people mean by it. In college, my philosophy teachers had us define terms the first time we used them because a particular word might be used in different ways by different people.
For Brennan, dualism is the attitude that things are black or white, right or wrong, but also a split that happens between our mind and emotions. It’s when our feelings about challenging situations are blocked off to keep us from feeling emotional pain. The healing process involves sending love or compassion through those walled-off blocks of emotion or consciousness, so that we become whole again. Self Healing brings more light, power and presence into our lives.
Brennan describes this dualistic split as a pocket of light that is surrounded by a painful wound, and then wrapped up in a defense system that keeps life from coming into contact with that wound. The defense might be fear and avoidance; it keeps us from feeling pain, but it also traps part of our creative light. That fear keeps us from taking necessary risks - the parts of your life that feels stuck can be traced to these often unconscious wounds.
This concept of having our core divine light trapped in an emotional wound has been around for centuries. It’s part of the mystical side of Judaism (Kabbalah). In Hebrew, these pockets of trapped light are called Klippot, and they are created when we split our consciousness and lean towards fear, away from love, courage and kindness. The more we block off our light, the harder and harsher the defense mechanisms become. The process happens on individual and collective levels. It can be repaired with kindness and compassion.
The concept was first described by Rabbi Issac Luria a few centuries ago. The world correction (Tikkun Olam) is carried out by piercing those defenses one by one, with kindness, love and compassion. The similarity between that Kabbalistic view and energy healing occurred to me yesterday, though I was already in the habit of sending Reiki through my klippot. I’ve been reading up on both for 10 years.
As you may know, Energy Healers channel the qualities of love, kindness and compassion through the Aura so that these blocks can be released. This involves feeling the emotions locked in that pocket of energy. I call on the archangels as they make the whole process gentler.
We can also work with the violet flame to heal emotional pain - this corresponds to the sphere of love & compassion on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (Chesed) 💜
The Universe in You ✨✨✨
In her book, Brennan also describes a process of soul embodiment where your divine light flows from that core, through a black, infinite field of potential, into the physical world. It sounds a lot like the Kabbalistic theory of creation - whether we see it as one Big Bang, or millions of souls coming into the world. Our physical bodies are largely made of that primal essence (hydrogen) and that very element is what gives us water (compassion).
>> Hydrogen is the lightest Element in the Universe! It has been around since the beginning of time. Hydrogen is a small percentage of human body mass but it accounts for the majority of our atoms. We are made of stardust, but also, the stuff that’s been around before the stars.
👉🏻 Read my books and heal yourself! Both of them introduce energy healing, with a focus on the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The books do not cover Kabbalah, only energy healing.
Thank you for reading my blog!
Reiki hugs,
> Amazon.com/author/reginachouza
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