Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Archangels of Balance, Blessings and Infinite Joy

For five years I have hoped that The College of Psychic Studies would offer online classes and finally, they have! Moving to London in 2009 turned out to be one of the greatest adventures of my life, mostly because I stumbled across this fantastic school where we learned to access our intuition through the chakras. This led me down the rabbit hole that I have been blogging about for 10 years 😅

There are dozens of classes at the College but I was feeling nostalgic and I signed up for angel intuition (the class that I used to take), which was amazing as one of my former classmates now teaches at the College! Her name is Liesl Duffy, and for those of you who want to learn from scratch, she is highly recommended. Liesl introduced us to three archangels, some of whom I had heard of, some I hadn't.

  • Archangel Dokiel: This is the one I feel is most necessary now because of the intense stress and upheaval that we are going through on a global level. Dokiel is not an angel that we would typically call on, as he is the angel of balance, order and harmony on a more universal level. When I connected with him in one of our intuitive meditations I got the clear sense that he is a cosmic surgeon who works with matter and light. He helps us create order, harmony and balance for ourselves and our communities. In the meditation I felt like we can team up with Archangel Dokiel in intuitive meditations by visualizing the entire planet in front of us (imagining yourself in a dark room with the Earth in front of you) and visualizing it in gold, blue and green, in perfect harmony. As we have discussed earlier on the blog, we always ground, clear and shield our personal energy before connecting with the Archangels. This keeps us clear of environmental factors, especially anyone else's thoughts or feelings as that can interfere with our intuition. Read my book, Chakra Healing & Magick, to awaken your sixth sense  💕
  • Archangel Gadiel - This beautiful angel's name literally means "God is my Wealth" and he helps us heal emotional and spiritual blocks to wealth. As discussed in Chakra Healing & Magick, the Heart Chakra is the gateway for all of the abundance that we receive from the upper realms and I was really pleased to hear Liesl refer to Archangel Gadiel's definition of abundance as Heart Prosperity. Think of all the qualities that make your cup overflow - they likely go far beyond financial needs to include love, friendship and health. We can work with Archangel Gadiel and with other archangels to release all inner blocks and beliefs that keep us from experiencing that Heart Prosperity. In class Liesl talked about infinite joy and heart prosperity being accessed with Archangel Gadiel's help. When I meditate, I feel that he helps me get a sense of the Unity Chakra, which sits at the top of the Auric Field. However we have to ground ourselves and work with personal healing on a much deeper level before we access this particular chakra; it is part of the transpersonal chakra system (phase two in energy healing). But we can connect with Archangel Gadiel at anytime to heal and open the Heart Chakra. 
  • Archangel Barachiel is part of the Eastern Orthodox tradition in Christianity. His name refers to blessings. Barachiel helps us move towards a state of gratitude so that we find silver linings if we are going through a tough time, and so that we don't lose sight of our many blessings if we are OK but somehow dissatisfied. His energy feels just wonderful. I have only just begun to connect with Archangel Barachiel

It feels like a huge disconnect to talk about health and prosperity when we are in the middle of a global pandemic, but I believe the archangels are here to help us visualize the type of world and stability that we can create if we humans work together. As I have mentioned before, the angels are not fairy god-mothers in the Disney sense, but we can ask for guidance on how to rise above challenges. They fill us with energy healing, love and confidence so that we can release fear, insecurity and exhaustion - as being human isn't always easy... 

A Book on Love 

In meditation, the message that keeps coming through is that the world needs a lot of love right now. My friend and fellow teacher Liesl Duffy has just published a book of poems on love, no doubt inspired in part by Archangel Chamuel. Follow the links to Amazon USA and Amazon UK (or Amazon in your country) to read it. Liesl is a wonderful teacher, healer and author.  



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Image: (updated 2022)

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