Monday, February 18, 2019

Calling on Spirit Guides in Tarot Readings

The Law of Attraction works in funny ways. They say that what we think about or feel very strongly will manifest around us, and this is cool if you are manifesting things you love (if not always straightforward). But there is at least one area where this "law" can trip us up: tarot readings. 

Let's say you go for a tarot reading and you're worried about your job or your marriage. That fear or worry is held in your Aura, and when the cards are shuffled and drawn, instead of drawing the messages that your guides and angels want you to hear, we draw images that appear to confirm those fears. I think this is one of the reasons why some people are scared of tarot. Luckily this can be remedied by following a few simple steps. 

Start By Clearing Yourself

Whenever I sit down with a client, we begin the reading with a short energy healing meditation to help the person ground, clear and shield their energy - toning down any fears that they may have about their lives, relationships and careers. Strong emotions are magnets of sorts, and the last thing we want to do is pull a card that appears to confirm their fear when it is just mirroring it. 

Next, we call on Archangel Michael to place a bubble of protective light around us, before calling on one of the client's spirit guides to join us. We always ask for guides of the highest and most loving vibration for that person. As opposed to angels, guides were once human and their advice is more grounded, practical and earthly than angels. Spirit guides know what it is like to be in relationships, to raise kids, and to think about rent or to negotiate a raise at work. 

Their guidance broadens our perspective, but we are always responsible for our decisions. Rather than ask what to do or what might happen, I like to ask where I am tripping up (for example).

Self-Awareness Triggers 

The other thing that I love about spirit guides, is that having been human, they are well aware of our psychological pitfalls and are quick to call us on our BS. The archangels can be confrontational too, especially Archangel Michael, but guides are as direct as that Sagittarius best friend who says exactly what he sees. 

If the thought of connecting with spirit guides sounds a bit too sci-fi, you can also set the intention to catch up with your Higher Self or Inner Guide. 

Once you’ve have grounded and cleared yourself and the tarot cards (read Ch 1 in Chakra Healing & Magick), think about the situation that needs healing and visualize a stream of silver light coming down from the heavens. Stay with this 2 minutes. 

The light flows into the deck and adds the magnetism necessary to pull the cards that will illustrate your spirit guide's message in way that you are sure to understand it. 

Before interpreting the cards in a session, I always ask the client which one evokes the strongest emotional reaction. This is usually the one that needs attention, and from that card, we can unravel the message. The feeling needs healing. 

You can do the same; be sure to ground, clear and shield yourself at the end.

The Four Elements. 

If you have read my book, Chakra Healing & Magick, you will know that the Tarot's Minor Arcana can be divided into four suits of cards: Water, Earth, Air and Fire. Each  of these elements corresponds to a personal quality that we need to thrive: empathy and personal relationships (💦), spiritual and material wealth (🌴), logic and peace of mind (🚁), and creativity or passion (🔥). 

Based on the cards that come up in a tarot reading and the ones that we are most drawn to, we know where the client's internal blocks, fears and worries lie - and where their opportunities for growth can be found. This can be addressed with energy healing meditations to work through those issues in the Aura. We can use energy healing and crystal magic to work through all of these issues, as discussed in the final chapters of Chakra Healing & Magick. 

Any deck based on Rider-Waite will work, but for energy healing purposes, the more vivid the images, the better. The ones I have been using in healing sessions are Everyday Witch by Deborah Blake and The Wizards Tarot by Corrine Kenner. The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner is also great. Clearly, I love the magical associations but the designs are fantastic. 

Want to Know More?

Learn to heal yourself with intuition, tarot and crystals! The book includes the tools that I use every day to stay afloat and happy. Follow the links below. 

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Reiki hugs, 



Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing. Regina's passion is bringing joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.  


Image: (October 2020)

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