Sunday, January 27, 2019

1st Steps in Psychic Awareness

It’s been a decade since I began exploring angels, psychic development and other topics at a real-life psychic school in London. For three years I attended weekly intuition classes, often using the chakras as a gateway to access my sixth sense.

A lot has been written about these colorful energy centers and while they are incredibly important, when it comes to psychic development, I am fascinated by the Aura. 

Activating The Aura

The Aura can be felt as a bubble of light around the physical body. It expands when we access our intuition; this is when we can sense the energy around us, including the presence of angels and teacher guides. 

You can activate the Aura by visualizing pink light in your Heart Chakra and sending a ray of light down, through your body and legs, to the center of the Earth. Visualize that ray connecting with a violet quartz and bring your attention back to your Heart. From this place of love and grounding, ask for a ray of white or silver light to flow down from the heavens, filling your body and Aura with energy. Let your Aura expand as far as feels comfortable, sending any extraneous energy into the ground. That white light changes color to violet for shielding. 

Shielding the space ensures that we only connect with the angels and guides of the highest vibration. In school we learned to call on Archangel Michael, asking him to stand guard and act as a spiritual bouncer. With that done, you can call on your guardian angel or one of the archangels to appear. This ensures that intuitive meditations are always pleasant experiences. Once we’re done, we switch off before resuming daily activities.

Want to Go Deeper?

Chakra Healing & Magick goes through the creative healing tools that have worked best for me, including psychic development, tarot and crystals. The book is on Amazon below:

Disponible en español 🇲🇽

USA ~ Mexico ~ España

Join me on Youtube for meditations to complement the book: @Regina Chouza.

Awaken your psychic abilities and connect with the archangels and your higher self - you’ll find an introduction in Chapter 6. 

Reiki hugs, 




Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

Images: (2023)

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