Last December, someone very near and dear to me was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had surgery to remove the tumor and began six months of chemotherapy to reduce the risk of it coming back in the future. My cousin and I went to the hospital to give her energy healing before the surgery.
In healing school, we learned a technique called Medical Intuition that involves communicating with the body to ask what might be going on behind the scenes. Another aspect involves explaining medical procedures to the physical body before they take place, with the intent to minimise shock and assist with recovery. This happens intuitively during the energy healing session.
Energy Healing Before Surgery
As always, I called on the archangels for help during the session. At one point, I was trying to run through the surgery mentally and I felt Archangel Raphael's presence, suggesting that I didn't know the specifics and that he could explain. So I pulled back, holding my hands around the outside of her Aura and letting him take over.
All in all, we had three people giving Healing before she went into the operating room: my cousin, myself and the patient as she had previously been attuned to Reiki. One of my favorite healing tools are crystals, and wands in particular because we can use them to gently massage the chakras during a healing session.
That day I took a Selenite wand with me to the hospital. The translucent white stone is one of my favorites because its energy is very similar to the white light (Divine Light) that we channel during healing sessions. It makes it easier for us to feel the archangels around us, including their love & support.
The patient held it in her hands and massaged her Solar Plexus while the rest of us gave her Energy Healing. This particular chakra is where we feel anxiety; the idea was to help her relax before surgery with Energy Healing & crystals.
A Magical Experience with Crystals
She seemed to like the wand so much, that the next day I gave her a brand new one. She used it throughout her recovery and six months of chemotherapy. The amazing thing about crystals is that we can fill them with Reiki or Light and then give ourselves healing by holding it or with a little massage. Over time, crystals can start to show striations on the inside, as the crystal's energy shifts when it works hard.
Last month I went to see her at the hospital for her last chemotherapy session; the 16th in six months. When we started chatting, she pulled out the Selenite wand and pointed out what looked like bright white loops and lines. It looked like someone had switched on a light in the crystal.
She was surprised because she hadn't dropped the wand, keeping it tucked safely in a case when she wasn't using it. I explained the bit about how crystals appear to crack or lose their color when we use them a lot. She laughed and put it back under her quilts, holding it in her hands during chemo...
Thirty minutes later, her eyes opened wide and she pulled the wand out from under the covers. It had fallen apart in her hands, splitting into 5 separate pieces along the same lines that we had seen inside the Selenite crystal.
We were both really surprised and happy. We took it to mean that she wouldn't need that crystal anymore. It had been there for the duration of the cancer treatment, from the first days of recovery and through 16 chemotherapy sessions, only to fall apart on her last day at the hospital as a patient.
It was the most beautiful experience that I have witnessed with a crystal, and there have been many over the past few years since I began collecting them.
Please share your experiences with crystals in the comment box below!
Reiki hugs,
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. Read her books to heal yourself.
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