Monday, March 19, 2018

Can Energy Healing Be Miraculous or Instantaneous?

Six months ago I signed up for a class called Theta Healing 'Basic DNA' where we covered a huge list of energy healing topics over three full days. I had lots of "Aha Moments" but the most significant shifts were with the following ideas: 

  • Healing can happen in an instant. There may be cases where we need to heal and release dozens of beliefs, feelings and patterns, but that doesn't mean that it will take months of introspection. How this plays out will vary person to person, for example, a childhood belief vanishes and we are no longer painted into a corner. Maybe it’s felt as a deep relaxation and knowing that we have nothing to worry about - or that we can handle what is there. 
  • Releasing BELIEFS is HUGE. In both of my  books - the first an energy healing and meditation guide for families that are coping with cancer (HERE), and the second, a creative Chakra Healing adventure (HERE) - I discuss beliefs: how they shape the way we view the world, how we interact with others and how beliefs can paint us into a corner. Beliefs can generate lots of unnecessary stress, especially if they lower our self-esteem or confidence. The energy of Fire burns through our beliefs (Air). 

  • How do we spot those beliefs? Theta Healing involves a technique where we use muscle testing to identify beliefs that can be held on different levels - in the body, subconscious or our spiritual DNA. There is a whole process where we use relaxed brain states to guide the client (or yourself) through a series of questions, looking for the false belief that props up all other beliefs. When we remove that belief, the Jenga tower crumbles and the obstacle disappears. 

I enjoyed the Theta Healing class and knowing myself, I will take all of the workshops at some point. But a few days ago I got to thinking... Why do we have to be so specific with the belief clearing? So I tried something not suggested in class: I used the Theta Healing meditation & script to release all spiritual or religious beliefs, replacing them with pure light and with the feeling of unconditional love. The beliefs that I wanted to remove were the ones that we humans tend to argue over when it comes to religion - and generally any ideas about spirituality, energy or vibration.  

It felt amazing and I went on to clear beliefs related with lots of topics, replacing them with light. In class, we were advised to search for limiting beliefs and leave in place the empowering ones. But my intuition tells me that pure light is an excellent substitute; that light has more oomph than any of us do. I think it is important to listen to our intuition and let it guide us, as classes and training give us tools but they won't always be a perfect fit for our situation. Trust your intuition above all! 

Beliefs take shape in the Aura

A) Clearing Beliefs With Reiki 

Then I thought, wouldn't it be cool to focus my Reiki self-healing sessions on specific themes - say money, love, career, or friendship - and set the intention to heal and releasing anything that might be limiting the way that I experience those qualities? Rather than use Theta Healing to sort through enabling or limiting beliefs and possibly never find the right one, I could channel Reiki through my body, with the intention to transmute any beliefs, feelings or filters that paint me into a corner. 

Based on what we learned at the School of Intuition & Healing; beliefs, patterns, and social conditioning can be cleared by focusing on the Chakras, the Aura, and the body. So from a Reiki point of view, I chose one of the above mentioned themes and used the symbols from the 2nd degree of Reiki to send healing to the past (Distance Symbol), clear anything that might be blocking that quality (Harmony Symbol), and filled that space with a fresh burst of energy (Power Symbol). After that, I visualised the Reiki Master symbol around me, filling my body and Aura with light. In school we learned to clear energy from the Aura - or any space - and then fill it with light. 

B) Not Into Reiki? Try This  

Reiki is one of many healing modalities; I have studied three approaches to Energy Healing and they can all be focused on belief busting. If you are not into Reiki, the following option does not require and in-person class or an attunement:

  • Chakra Healing Meditation (YouTube)
This meditation will guide you through the steps of healing and balancing your energy body. Choose a topic that you'd like to focus on and listen to the meditation with the intent to heal that theme on all levels: conscious, unconscious, past lives and anything related to approval seeking. The script is from Chakra Healing & Magick; it lays the foundation for the creative healing tools that come later 😻

  • Read Chakra Healing & Magick 
Check out my Chakra Healing & Magick book for an overview of the Chakras in the 2nd chapter, including a guest post by Maria Veiga, psychologist and author of the The 7 Lies of the Human Race. Then turn to Chapter 5, Exercises 1-3, to learn to channel energy through the Chakras. The healing tools in the book are based on the 2 year Energy Healing course at the School of Intuition & Healing in London. 

I can't wait to share this with you! The books are available on Amazon around the world. If you have an iPad, download the ebook to the Kindle app =)  

USA ~ Canada ~ UK ~ India

Disponible en español 🇲🇽

USA ~ Mexico España

- What Do I Mean by Miracles? 

Energy Healing, Theta Healing, and Reiki are complementary to medical care, not alternative. While energy work certainly can be used along with medical care to help patients who are being treated for an illness, the miracles that I am looking for are in our personal lives. A Course in Miracles tells us that miracles are often unexpected shifts in how we view the world. When our mindset changes, our life experience is also transformed. This is what I have liked most about Energy Healing. 

Thank you for reading Diary of a Psychic Healer!

Reiki hugs, 


> Look for more meditations on the social media links below.


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


Images: Candle (


  1. I even had an instantaneous healing that happened to me once - I went to my healer with tonsillitis, before I stepped into her healing room I looked at my tonsils in the mirror (yep, still lots of white speckles). During the healing, I had a spontaneous regression to a past life where I had been betrayed and poisoned by my coven, and poison was being forced down my throat - I had been having a series of connected dreams about this life, and the regression during the healing was the last memory. After the healing finished I went back to the bathroom and looked again.. And the tonsillitis was gone! No more white speckles!! :)

  2. Wow justin! That sounds amazing! I have had one myself also related to the throat chakra. Round about the time I started blogging. I think it had a lot to do with clearing the fear of “saying the wrong thing” and worrying about how people would react to my thoughts or opinions LOL

    Reiki hugs,

