
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What is Your Spiritual Path?

Every now and then I do Interactive Tarot Readings on my Diary of a Psychic Healer Facebook Page. It is a fun and easy way for everyone to receive guidance. We meditate on a question and then choose three icons to receive a personalized message. The theme this week was evolution on our spiritual path! 

Please look at the picture below and choose three icons to represent Past, Present and Future where spirituality and consciousness are concerned. The cards were drawn for some of my favourite decks. 

Choose Three Icons And
Scroll Down for the Meanings!  

Wizards Tarot by Corrine Kenner. Today's card is the Two of Cups. In this deck we see a young boy and a young girl drinking from silver goblets. The youthful looks and innocence stand out; this card is about a pure heart that just wants to connect with others through the spiritual realm. Everything is an adventure and part of a growth spurt. It's a Garden of Eden stage, one that we should enjoy as long as it lasts. Note: Click here for my review of the Wizard's Tarot deck!

Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue. The card I pulled today is a Twin Flame card, but I'm going to read it in a way that might surprise you. I read a theory recently where our Twin Flame is really our Higher Self, that wiser part of our soul that knows who we are and what we are here to experience. If you chose this deck, it may be time to connect with your Higher Self. There is a great book by Sanaya Roman called Spiritual Growth that can help you do just that. Next January I'm starting a free study group so we can read it together, please drop by my Diary of a Psychic Healer FB Page for details.

Gaia Oracle by Toni C. Salermo. Today I pulled a card about wisdom, knowledge and spiritual understanding being aligned with Mother Earth. Take some time to ground yourself, meditate with Nature and let the plant, animal and crystal kingdoms share their secrets with you. Let us know how it goes!

Chrysalis Tarot by Toney Brooks. The card I pulled is about disillusionment on the spiritual path and my intuition tells me it's a natural part of the process. As we shed false beliefs, we are sometimes left with a hint of sadness Trust that the Universe will fill that space with a Truth that is closer to your heart and soul. You don't need a safety blanket. Take some time to meditate and feel yourself loved by "All that Is". The angels can also help us with this.

Mythic Tarot by Julia Sharman Burke. Today's card is the Three of Cups, a card about celebration, joy and social gatherings. This tells me that sharing your spiritual faith with others can bring you much joy, whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah or the Winter Solstice that warms your heart this December. It's all about community and connection.

Miracles Now by Gabby Bernstein. Today I have energy healing in the cards, as Gabby Bernstein's deck tells us that we can release ancient pain by allowing ourselves to feel it. Take a trip down memory lane, let yourself feel any emotions that may have been buried and consciously let them go. The focus is on healing with compassion. 

Archangel Michael by Doreen Virtue. The card I pulled was about angelic protection and working with the angels to build our sense of trust and confidence on both physical and material levels. Though all of the cards in this deck have an angelic twist, this one encourages us to reach out to our angels, meditate with them and get to know their energies. The more familiar we are, the safer and cozier we will feel!

Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue. Today we have the Knight of Fire! We see a  knight on horseback, ready to charge into battle. He represents our Higher or Spiritual Self, while the horse represents our human doubts and fears. This card encourages us to see our ego for what it is: a self-defense and protection mechanism, so that we can start to move beyond it when necessary. You may enjoy reading Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth, one of my faves on this subject!

Angels of Atlantis by Stewart Pierce. Today's message is about Grace and how we can receive more of it in our lives. As the holidays are coming up soon, lets think about how we can channel the quality of Grace in all of our interactions, especially where giving and receiving is concerned. Follow this link for a few ideas!


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  

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