
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

PLUG & PLANT: The Smart Vertical Garden

Last year I shared a fantastic TedX Talk by Fernando Ortiz of VertialGreen. Fernando starts his talk by googling "Paradise" to show us what comes up: pristine nature scenes. It's mindboggling to think that we had paradise and then developed it away. This fantastic company is dedicated to bringing nature back into our lives and making us more conscious of how vital nature is to our survival. Unfortunately this project didn't meet the Kidckstarter goal, but you can the visionaries here:

PLUG & PLANT: The Smart Vertical Garden - Allows anyone to grow plants anywhere; it’s the easiest way to integrate nature into your everyday lifeAllows Users To Plug In 12+ Plants, Water Once A Month, and Watch It Grow. 

New York, New York September 9, 2015. Vertical Green, LLC is announcing the launch of Plug & Plant, the all-in-one planting system with a modular design that lets you interconnect its components to transform any space into a natural ecosystem. Simply plug plants into a panel and watch them grow. The Plug & Plant comes with five parts - panel, plugs, smart sensor, smart water tank, and canal. Users simply hang the panel on a sunny wall and place 12 plugs into each panel. Each plug contains the seeds and nutrients needed to make the plant grow, then accesses water from the smart water tank through a smart bio-foam. The Plug & Plant smart sensor continuously measures the environmental factors - including temperature, light conditions and the moisture of the smart bio foam - sending an alert to the user’s accompanying app with instructions on how to care for their plants. Users need only fill the smart water tank once a month as it supplies the plants with the exact amount of water needed through a dripping system; it only takes 10 minutes per month. Finally, the canal is placed in the lower part of the panel to catch all excess water, recycle that water, and keep your Plug & Plant system clean and dry.

We created Plug & Plant for those who love nature but don’t have the means to enjoy it. It’s a practical and beautiful way to get in touch with nature.” Fernando Ortiz, CEO
Available Plants. Vertical Green 
will initially offer more than 30 different types of plants for Plug & Plant.
 These will include culinary species such as lettuce and
tomatoes, decorative flowers and other colorful plants,
 and even plants with medicinal purposes like chamomile and thyme.

Here are Plug & Plant's Awesome Features:

SMART: PLUG & PLANT is a smart vertical garden because its innovative sensor measures the humidity of the bio-foam, room temperature and the amount of light received
INTERLOCKINGThanks to its geometry, PLUG & PLANT achieves a 100% modular system which allows you to easily connect the panels horizontally and vertically
SOCIAL: The PLUG & PLANT APP makes it easy for you to share the status of your plants on social media and establish relationships with PLUG & PLANTERS near you 
AUTOMATED WATERING SYSTEM: the PLUG & PLANT SMART WATER TANK is in charge of maintaining your plants with water for up to 30 days. 
DISPOSABLE PLUGS: You can choose between more than 30 different species of PLUGS to make a culinary, decorative or medicinal smart vertical garden. Each PLUG contains high quality seeds that start to grow in the SMART-BIO-FOAM as soon as the PLUGS are connected to the panel. The plants continue growing until their roots also connect to the panel, enabling them to achieve optimal growth. 
EASY-TO-INSTALL: Installing your PLUG & PLANT is so easy that any person can do it, you just need a flat vertical surface with lighting and 10 minutes to install it. 
UNLIMITED GROWTH: The hydroponic growth technology of the PLUG & PLANT allows the seeds of the pre-seeded PLUGS to grow rapidly and without restrictions, thanks to our SMART- BIO-FOAM that connects to the panel 
AESTHETIC DESIGN: The PLUG & PLANT is designed with a clean and neutral aesthetic that allows any user to easily incorporate it in diverse spaces. 
CLEAN AND SUSTAINABLE: 100% biodegradable SMART-BIO-FOAM which allows the plants roots to develop the same way as they would in soil, without the soil. 
VERSATILE: The PLUG & PLANT is designed to adapt to your needs. That’s why its modular system allows your smart vertical garden to be as large or small as you wish. 

Here's a video to get you started!
(Pixels courtesy of my mischievous computer)


Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angel intuition and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as a healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Her passion is bringing the qualities of self-love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuitsRead her books to heal yourself.  


  1. How can I back it? The links just lead to the leaderboard. Thanks!

    1. Hi Autumn, Thanks for the message! Try this link:

  2. Was this project canceled? Or can I buy plug & plant vertical garden somewhere?

    1. Hi There, Thanks for the note =)

      The project was cancelled as it didn't reach the kickstarter goal, but you may want to contact the company that developed it for updates - here is the link:

      Reiki hugs,


  3. where we can buy it in Saudi Arabia middle east

    1. Hello! Thanks for the note =)

      The project was cancelled as it didn't reach the kickstarter goal, but you may want to contact the company that developed it for updates - here is the link:

      Reiki hugs,

