
Saturday, August 1, 2015

My First Platform Demonstration

A few weeks ago I did something I NEVER thought I'd do: get up on stage to do Angel Readings in front of a live audience! It was oddly exhilarating, I found myself enjoying it even though I was beyond relieved when I sat down. We had been practicing for weeks in my Angels and Spirit Guides class at The College of Psychic Studies. This class is the main reason I'm in London for the summer, it's the final step on the road to professional readings, and leading workshops. I did the foundation and intermediate classes just for the fun of it but moved to Mexico before I could finish. Coming back this summer was a great opportunity as it gave me a strong push, even though I was hoping we wouldn't have to get on stage this summer, I actually enjoyed it and would love to do it again. Now that, I did not expect! 

Being on stage is funny because it puts you in the moment. There's not much you can do to prepare, except survey the audience and get a feel for their vibes. I was drawn to one lady even before I got up. She was wearing a blue top and I felt Archangel Michael's energy around her, but I wasn't clear on the message. It wasn't until after I'd gotten up and introduced myself, that it clicked. That was a sharp contrast to the intermediate level, where we meditated on each person for a few minutes before saying anything. Now it feels like I'm drawn to an angel, an image comes to mind and I start talking without knowing what comes next.  I must have done six or seven short readings, in just fifteen minutes. It felt like I took long pauses between them, but I'm told I never stopped talking. The angels kept me calm too, because I didn't feel a hint of stage fright. I have been pushing myself with my weekly radio show. I think public speaking only gets better with lots of practice, and eventually you enjoy it.

This stage event was nearly a month ago. I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by! Next Friday my angels class will do readings at Open Evening, and then it's back to Mexico! I still have one more term before I graduate (and 30 case studies), but fingers crossed I will dial in via Skype this September. I'm also looking forward to the class as the topics change every term. This summer we took turns leading the meditation and giving lectures on the angels. I was lucky enough to introduce Archangel Sandalphon and wrote this Psychic Flowerbed Meditation for beginners, partly inspired by my favourite children's book: The Secret Garden. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

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