Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Reconnection and our Spiritual DNA

Tomorrow is my last day in Mexico! I can't believe the past two months went by so quickly. When I stop to think about it, I'm not sure what I've done. Mostly hang out, I went to the beach for a bit. Typo-checked and published my book. And of course, I spent loads of time with family and friends. Loved my holidays! =) 

This week I squeezed in a couple healings. The most intriguing was a cousin who came to see me because he was lacking motivation. How do you jump start a person? It felt like there was a short circuit, a mix of apathy and ambition. I kept getting a visual of a motor bike that kept puttering out. During the session I sent healing to his legs and to his root chakra. Then something odd happened, Dr Eric Pearl's book, The Reconnection, popped into my mind. In it he talks about using Reconnective Healing sessions to heal our spiritual DNA, essentially weaving in a new energetic strand. He also suggested that reading the book makes us aware of that specific energy, which we can then use in our healings (though I imagine that learning the process in a classroom would be helpful). 

I stepped out of my cousin's energy field, cleared my energy and asked for Reconnective Energy to flow. The electricity in my palms went through the roof, and I slowly stepped back in. I started moving my hands in circular motions through the client's energy field and in his lower Chakras, intending for it to reconnect him to the active aspect of his spirit (which wasn't coming through). The energy felt a lot thicker than what I am used to. But even this was not going to be enough, the client had to heal himself. When the healing was over I suggested that he try cycling or a similar leg-intensive sport. Combining a bit of physical activity with the healing may help him integrate it into his life. 

Let's see how it goes. 

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

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