
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Is Transpersonal Psychology for Me?

A couple weeks ago I sat in as an guest at the Angel Readings class that I used to take. It was so much fun! Received four accurate readings. One of the readers told me that she saw me studying a masters or a PHd in a new subject what would complement my healing studies. She said not to be scared off by the statistics because I am good with numbers (true!). Variations of that message have come through in four readings though they never tell me what it is. I mentioned it to an intuitive friend yesterday and she replied with a two-word answer:

Transpersonal Psychology

What is that? I looked it up and its psychology mixed with spirituality, super consciousness and mystical experiences. Hmmm, sounds like that could be right up my alley. I went googling for more information and found a university in Palo Alto that teaches MA's and PHd's in Transpersonal Psychology. The curriculum looks pretty interesting. The masters looks like a better approach and if it ends up being awesome I think you can add 3 yrs for PHd.

This has me thinking though. How much schooling can and should you do in one life? I have already been though college, an MBA and a 2 year class in Energy Healing that I will (fingers crossed) graduate from in May this year. Transpersonal Psychology sounds pretty amazing but I'll be 35 when I'm done with the masters. Thirty eight if I go for a Phd. My healing and counseling career will take off when I am 40. Hmm. It does seem to fit well though. I might sign up for a class and see what it is all about. 

I am interested in psychology and had wanted to take a couple classes when I finished healing school anyway. Some of my case studies left me thinking I could do with a background in counseling. Giving Reiki is easy but sometimes I am left wondering what to say (and I refer them to a psychologist). This could totally do the job and a MA should give me a strong foundation. I wonder who teaches Transpersonal Psychology in London? Otherwise, Sofia University in Palo Alto has a distance learning program that looks really interesting. I wonder how it works and if we have live chats and sessions, etc.  

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 

1 comment:

  1. talk to the school. I did distance learning when I went back to college and loved it!! We did live chats. GOOD LUCK!!
