Sunday, February 27, 2011

Solar Plexus Pain

Have you ever felt pain in your solar plexus after a conversation with someone? Today I had a  meeting with some friends who are looking to get information on the FMCG industry. I went in without knowing what to expect, but as the session turned into an active sell, I got to wondering what they wanted in return.  

They ended up pitching a really good idea and asking that I introduce them to some of my contacts in the industry, which I am happy to do. Their results-oriented attitude was a bit off putting though, I tried to give them ideas on how to make the business stronger but they kept bringing the conversation back to my contact. They're in the middle of a start-up, so the networking is key but still it was annoying to be pushed in that direction! 

Anyhooo, my big learning today is that I need to ground and protect myself in day-to-day life. They went straight for my solar plexus and my stomach actually hurt when I left. For a couple hours I was still thinking about their business venture, till I asked Michael to come in and cut the chord.  That and a gold disc for healing helped me get over the stomach pains, and on with my day. 

Please Join Me Below!
Reiki hugs, Regina 


  1. This is a really good example of how the Solar Plexus can become under threat or evaded. My tip of this is re-direction. In a business situation like this I would of describe my ideas I had for their business in the terms of this is what "I would do" - instead of looking like I am offering them an idea for themselves as often when you offer someone something they will keep telling you what they want from you and dismiss what is being offering in the first instance. It is a tricky one. I am currently working on strenghtening my solar plexus at the moment and it is so hard as no one seems happy to see you in your own personal power - because you stop doing the things or 'being' how THEY want you to be.

    1. Hi Sharon, That's a really good tip. I"ll try it next time =)

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