Thursday, March 27, 2014

Activating Your Merkaba (Merkawhat?)

I am taking a short break from the channeling posts. A few things have happened along the way and I don't want to leave them out. For instance, last month I went to a  "Activate Your Merkaba" workshop. 

I had heard of Merkabas but never thought to look it up. It's meant to be a New Age vehicle for ascension, as in, it raises your vibration so that you can move from the third to the fourth dimension quicker. I am not sure what that means metaphysically. The third dimension is the one we live in. Everything is physical, in 3D. The fourth "dimension" is the astral plane, where ideas, concepts and projections exist. When we meditate we can go to the fourth dimension to meet our guides, etc. The fifth dimension is said to be that of unconditional love, where The Christ energy resides. 

Do these dimensions exist? Do we need to leave one to experience another? Maybe not. The way I interpret ascension, we don't go anywhere except to a different part of ourselves. One where you feel more secure and happy. My main focus is on grounding myself, being physically present, opening up, and being more accessible to myself and to others. I also like Eckart Tolle's ideas about detaching from the ego, thoughts and insecurities. His approach has a lot in common with Buddhism. 

That's not to say I didn't appreciate the Merkaba workshop. The activation meditation helped me open up my Heart Chakra. It starts with deep breathing which fills up the lungs and opens the chest. The mudras (finger positions where the thumb touches the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger) also help by sending energy to your root chakra, your sense of patience, and to your confidence. 

I liked the meditation but somehow stopped short of activating my Merkaba, a double inverted 3D triangle around the body. For some reason, visualising the triangles made me feel claustrophobic. What a weird reaction! LOL. It reminded me of one of my healing clients, who didn't like to visualise grounding roots because she was scared they would pull her underground (very Lord of the Ringsy). Or the way that pendulum healing makes me feel dizzy. There are a lot of modalities out there. Not everything will be a good fit for everyone. I did go on to read a book on Ascension Magic by Christopher Penczak. I am enjoying it so far, even if I haven't quite put it to practice. 

Below you'll find an illustration. To get a feel for what it is like, visualise a pyramid structure around your physical body and just imagine it spinning (slowly). 




Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits. 

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