Sunday, February 27, 2011

Solar Plexus Pain

Have you ever felt pain in your solar plexus after a conversation with someone? Today I had a  meeting with some friends who are looking to get information on the FMCG industry. I went in without knowing what to expect, but as the session turned into an active sell, I got to wondering what they wanted in return.  

They ended up pitching a really good idea and asking that I introduce them to some of my contacts in the industry, which I am happy to do. Their results-oriented attitude was a bit off putting though, I tried to give them ideas on how to make the business stronger but they kept bringing the conversation back to my contact. They're in the middle of a start-up, so the networking is key but still it was annoying to be pushed in that direction! 

Anyhooo, my big learning today is that I need to ground and protect myself in day-to-day life. They went straight for my solar plexus and my stomach actually hurt when I left. For a couple hours I was still thinking about their business venture, till I asked Michael to come in and cut the chord.  That and a gold disc for healing helped me get over the stomach pains, and on with my day. 

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Little Ghosts

I was riding the London Underground last week and I swear I saw two little ghosts sitting across from me.  I've never actually seen an earth-bound spirit, so I'm still skeptical about what I might have imagined. The first thing I noticed was that the seats in front were a little bit hazy, kind of like a white cloud was hanging over them. When I tuned in I saw a little boy on the chair to the right, and I got the sense of an adult with him. I couldn't make out if it was a man or a woman, but they were both wearing dark coats and caps kind of like what you'd see in a WWII movie.

The adult had it's head down, and they both waited patiently for their stop. It was a little bit unreal, I could get a sense of them sitting patiently for eons. What struck me was that they seemed to be going about their daily lives,  I couldn't quite make out if they'd been there for decades or if they were going to get off at an actual point in time.  Anyhow, I took a picture of the seats and if you're squeamish about these things, don't look! If anyone gets a sense of the spirits let me know, all I see in the picture is a faded seat.  My mind still remembers the white haze and I can see it, but I'm not sure if it's in the picture. 

No one else on the train seemed to notice that there was anything there, but the whole time they were riding with us the rest of the people on the carriage stayed away from those two seats. Not sure what makes us choose one empty seat over another, but those seats were "empty" for the duration of my lengthy commute.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Soul Purpose!

I had a fantastic class today and left with a warm fuzzy feeling that took all of 2 hours to wear off. And to think that I almost skipped the session, lol. The purpose of today's meditation was to ask our guides about our Soul Purpose, i.e., what we're meant to accomplish in this life. We were also supposed to ask for very specific feedback on what we need to do to raise our consciousness to the next level.

To start out, the meditation today answered a question that has been bothering me since I came back from the holidays in January. I've been living in London now for almost two years and just love the place. But because my family is back home in the US and Latin America, at times ask myself if I'm being stubborn when I tell myself I want to stay here. Well today when we were grounding, my 3rd eye opened up and I could see and feel myself in my London flat. It was almost like I was really there; I got up and walked around it, looked under the bed, in the kitchen, etc. I could see every last detail.  Finally I sat down again, and saw myself grounding through my roots. I could also sense the street, my neighborhood, and I felt like I was very solid here.

The next part was a bit freaky. There is a big wooden armoire in my bedroom and when the teacher instructed us to see a door that we would walk through; I found myself standing in front of this. How very Narnia of me! I opened the door and walked through it, somehow I could get a sense of all my clothes and shoes and bags but it was like they were in another dimension and I was just walking right through them. I stepped into a long wooden corridor, went down steps made of the same oak as my armoire, and suddenly found myself walking through a huge tree's roots and out into a field. I took this to mean that it was time I rooted myself in my London life and surroundings, because I am in the right place. And the people and opportunities I have here will open doors for me and let me grow in ways I hadn't really thought of. On a sillier level, I know what portal to use if I ever manage to astral travel lol.

The next bit I didn’t interpret during the session, the meaning is coming to me as I'm writing this. During most of the meditations we visualize an escalator that takes us up into the stars and to a Hall of Learning where we can meet our Guides, Angels and sometimes friends.  This time, I was walking up the stairs but I couldn't see them under me. It was like I had to take steps into thin air, trusting that there was something there to hold me even though I couldn’t see it.  I also had to do all the work myself, this wasn't an electric escalator. At the time it reminded me of one of the levels in Super Nintendo's Mario Bros (the little cloud steps that come onto the screen when you walk up them), but looking back on it there was so much more to that message. The angelic help we get is invisible, we have no way of proving that it's really there but if you take a leap of faith it will quite literally take you to new heights.

From there, I finally made it to a really cute cottage. It was in the middle of a huge field and was pretty big even though on first glance it only looked like it had a few rooms. I had to walk through several corridors and living rooms to get to where my angels and guides were. There were people sitting on couches talking in the common areas, I got the impression that this was a meeting place for all of the people in my soul group. In one of the dining rooms I actually spotted a friend with his wife, it was funny because I wanted to say hi but felt like there was a force leading me up to the second floor where my guardian angel was waiting for me. When I walked into the room I immediately felt like it was full of love, compassion and divine light. My guides were in the background, but the glow from the angel was so dazzling that I couldn't keep my eyes away. I usually sense him like a massive energy behind me, but this time I could see him floating above the bed like he was sitting there waiting for me to come in.

All along, our tutor was talking us through the meditation and she started reminding us why we were there. I tried to tune out her voice; it's hard to pay attention to your guides and angels when there is someone in the room talking. The funny thing is that at first I was really hanging on the instructions, but now the whole scene just unfolds in front of my "eyes" and I don't try to control the sequence of events. Even though the tutor was telling us to look out for our Guides, I let them take a back seat and turned to the angel instead. He was really cool about it, I asked him what I needed to do to raise my consciousness to the next level and his answer was very direct.  It's my turn to be more compassionate, to pay attention to the people around me and to channel some of the healing energy and love into my surroundings. The idea made me feel warm and fuzzy all over, as soon as the angel started communicating I started feeling really light and airy. The colors purple and pink also flooded the room, which stand for universal love and spirituality.  The feeling has just about worn off but I'm going to make an effort to tap into that consciousness in my day-to-day life.

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (updated 2023)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love & Other Drugs

If you haven't seen the movie in the title, no worries! I am not going to tell you what happens. The only thing that is relevant for me right now is the Jake Gyllenhaal is in the movie, he's a sales rep and literally goes from doctor's office to doctor's office trying to get them to recommend his drug of choice. He spends every day on the road, chatting up receptionists and leaving behind samples and gifts. All in hopes that they'll like him enough to let him talk to the doctor!

Anyhooo, I work in consumer health care and went out with one of our sales reps last week to get a feel for how our products are received by the medical community. It's a really tough job, the reps spend all day on the road and need to call on at least 8 practices everyday. The goal is to pitch your products to a nurse or a GP, but they're usually very busy and finding the right moment is a matter of luck. I was excited to go out in the field, but because it can be so exhausting I was hoping for a really productive day. 

On my way out that morning it suddenly dawned on me that we could use a little help. I called on my angels and asked for help, letting them know that it was important for me to be able to listen to a lot of nurses, doctors and hygienists. I wasn't to bothered about selling our products, they key thing was to get their point of view so that I could use it to do my job better going forward. I sent out the request and then just got on with my day.  

The average call rate is 8 practices, and on any given day a sales rep will only be able to talk to 3-4 of the on-call doctors, nurses or hygenists.  By 4 pm we had already spoken to four doctors, two nurses and two hygenists.  In one practice they even walked us into the surgery and let us have a long chat with 2 of the clinicians, as it turns out the patient they were waiting for was 15 minutes late! =)

Reading about call rates and pharma reps might not be as exciting as spirit guides and healings, but if you think about the odds and all of the help I got from my angels it was really remarkable!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Own Personal Wizard

Sometimes clairvoyant meditations come with images that seem so unreal and so unlikely that we're tempted to dismiss them. In my case they tend to be linked to fiction books, movies or even sci-fi. scenes.  In one meditation I saw myself leaping off a skyscraper in a Matrix-style coat , and I was even more suprised when it resonated with the readee.

One of my favorite visions is of a Wizard in dark  robes, a Dumbledore style hat and long white hair. I've been a huge Harry Potter fan since day one and I've always been attracted to magic & special powers, so I thought this had to be my imagination. This image kept popping into my mind when I was trying to meet my spirit guides, and though I've learned to trust it there has always been a corner of doubt in my mind. How much of what we see is wishful thinking?

Today that doubt finally went away, there is nothing like external validation to gain confidence in  the messages. We had an exercise that involved chatting with our classmate's spirit guides. Funny enough, my classmate was approached by two of my guides but she instantly dismissed one of them because she thought he couldn't possibly be for real. It was an old man in dark robes,  long white hair and a pointy hat!!!  The most meaningful part of the meditation for me, was that he hung around in he background and waited for a chance to send through his message.  When my classmate asked for a symbolic gift that would help me through my day-to-day, I was sent a cauldron.

If you're wondering, my tiny London studio can't accommodate a cauldron, and I'm not the least bit interested in learning to cast spells or draw up potions.  Intention and positive thinking are  about as far as I'll go. Thank God it was just a symbolic gift, it's supposed to represent a pool of knowledge and life lessons, all ready to be thrown into the mix.  I like to think of it of my own little pensieve, much like Dumbledore's pool of memories in the Harry Potter books. Anyhooo, I'm happy to have my Wizard Guide. Next time I hope I catch his name!

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Image: (Updated 2021) 

Monday, February 7, 2011

1st Steps in Clairaudience!

The past year I've been trying and wishing so hard to be able to hear my spirit guides but whenever I tried to talk to them I'd just draw a blank. Even if I tried to see them, I can feel their presence and see a shadow but that was about it. The only way I've been able to communicate is through the pendulum, the cards, and automatic writing.

Anyhooo, today I threw my roots down and let my chakras open up one by one till we got to the throat. It felt really light, like an airy blue. The brightest palest blue that I've ever seen, and as I imagined myself sitting there I was surrounded by the  light. Suddenly, I felt the urge to let myself speak but instead of hearing my thoughts in my head I could heard myself speak in a very clear tone, but it seemed to echo from my throat into the light. 

I started out by making affirmations, and asking for the changes I want in my life. Then I asked my angels and guides if they were there and if they could hear me. The reply came in echoes, very faint at first and I had to make an effort to silence my mind and just wait for it. All the while focusing on the pale light, and trying to stay in the moment. The answers I got at first were very basic:

"Yes we're here, we can hear you."

It was barely 15 minutes ago but I'm already starting to forget some of the things they mentioned. A new female spirit guide appeared, she told me her name.  Ok, she's not entirely new because I met her in an ascended master class about 6 months ago but I hadn't seen her since. She told me what she was going to teach me, and how she'd help me with the next stage in my life. 

Then she stepped back and let my primary spirit guide step in to make proper introductions. First time I'd ever actually spoken to him and I kept asking all the basic intro questions you'd ask a new acquaintance. "Did I get your name right? Where are you from? How do I know you?  Etc"  

They also told me to keep coming back, and to drop the automatic writing for a while.  Anyhooo, more to follow on this new and exciting subject =)

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Reiki hugs, Regina 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Getting Past the Butterflies!

Finally got over my stage fright!  Don't know if this means that I will never clam up again, but this week I was cool as a button and I managed to get very good information for myself  =)

It was our 1st day back from holiday and I think my confidence was boosted because I knew what to expect from the class. Its the first time that I've stayed on the same course for more than one term, and being one of the "continuing students" helped. When you're the new kid there's an element of fear that goes with not knowing what to expect, and more often than not I'm worried about being out of my league. This time around I didn't block myself and knowing that I was reading for myself took some of the edge off, I'm usually a bit nervous when I'm reading for someone else. Pressure to deliver and all that.

Another thing I finally noticed is that the messages I get are often encoded in the scenery.  For example, last term I was reading for a classmate and I saw a house that was tidy on the surface, but with all the dust swept under the rug in the living room. The obvious interpretation here is that issues are being ignored, and that she needed to stop turning a blind eye to the problems at home. Yesterday the message my guides gave me was delivered the same way, and even though the objective of the meditation was to meet and greet a guide by the time I got to him I had already received the message.

I used to put a lot of pressure on myself when it came to hearing them, but I guess I've finally noticed that not all guides communicate through clairaudience. And maybe I'm not ready to hear them, but interpreting these visuals can be really interesting so that's good enough for me!

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Reiki hugs, Regina